Sunday School classes are now held in person on the first and third Sundays of the month.
Young men and young women start attending a youth Sunday School class at the beginning of the year they turn 12. They may start attending an adult class when they turn 18.
Youth are assigned to classes according to their age on January 1. The MP4th Ward has classes organized for each age. Thus, there is a class for 11 year olds (those turning 12 during the year and through that entire year even after they turn 12). They stay in that same class until January of the next year.
​Gospel Doctrine is the only course that has an accompanying broadcast and will use this link:
For the year of 2021, Teacher Council Meetings will be held each quarter on the 3rd and 4th Sunday of the first month of the quarter:
January 17th & 24th
April 18th & 25
July 18th & 25th
October 17th & 24th
The meetings will be held during the second hour of our church meetings and will be virtual until further notice.
Priesthood, Relief Society, and Young Women teachers can attend on the 3rd Sunday. At least one of the priesthood or auxiliary leaders responsible for those teachers is encouraged to attend.
Sunday School teachers can attend on 4th Sunday.
Primary Teachers can attend either week as coordinated between the Primary and Sunday School Presidencies.
This is the link information for April 18th and 25th
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 845 7825 9348
Passcode: XN1SR2
For more information about Teacher Council Meetings see the church website.