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Ward Messages

September 8, 2024
Homes - another house of the Lord

Temples are dedicated as House of the Lord.  Our homes can also be a  dwelling place for the Spirit of the Lord.  They are a place where He can come to strengthen our families and friends.  Our homes are a sacred place where God can dwell.. They can become another house of the Lord.

Our homes should be a place where our testimonies are clearly stated through our words and our actions.  They should be a place where our families and friends know of our unfailing commitment to the Savior and His Gospel. Our loved ones should know that because we are fully committed to our covenants, we will stand strong no matter what trials life sends our way, 

When the stripling warriors went to battle, they were prepared to go forth because their mothers had taught them the gospel in their homes,  and they did not doubt (Alma 56:47)

Many of us are raising families in these perilous times and are doing our best to to live so that our children see our examples of goodness.  Others of us have raised our families or are living on our own.  We also are doing our best to valiantly endure through life's difficulties.  We  all can hope to be an example of righteousness to our neighbors, friends and loved ones.

But, can we do more?  Can our lives be clear evidence that the Savior lives, that we know He has provided a way, through His atonement, for us to return to live with our family and our Father in Heaven?  Can our family and friends be strengthened by our example of righteousness? Can others see our light and know that we will honor our Savior and endure to the end no matter what life sends our way?  Can we bless other's lives through our desire to do God's will, to live as the Savior lived, to love has He loves?

When our families and friends enter our homes do they feel the Spirit of the Lord there?  

This week's message provided by: Sister Tamara Collins


September 1, 2024
Put first things, first.

Have you ever played an app where you are matching things? Each round you have different objects to match. The choices are rarely the same. When time runs out do you find yourself looking at the matching goal and realize you had gone for the big things first. Not what you should be looking for.

Life is the same way. We get distracted by so many things…things that are the biggest, easiest, loudest bombard us.

President Nelson, October 2023 Conference
“When you make choices, I invite you to take the long view—an eternal view. Put Jesus Christ first because your eternal life is dependent upon your faith in Him and in His Atonement. It is also dependent upon your obedience to His laws. Obedience paves the way for a joyful life for you today and a grand, eternal reward tomorrow.”

Imagine how much better you would be at the matching game if you simply remembered to see what the goal was. Imagine in life if you look toward Christ how amazing every day would be.

I suggest that we all Put First Things First.

This week's message provided by: Sister Syd Shurtliff

August 25, 2024
Love thy Neighbor

Let me begin by saying that our family is very blessed to live among such good friends and neighbors.  Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to care and show love to my family.  We hope to reciprocate that love and care.
The Ward Activity Committee has planned a few wonderful activities this Fall for our neighborhood and ward (see Upcoming Events section below).  They include a Summer Party in September, a Fall Party in October, and Christmas Party in December.  These activities are purposefully planned to help unite us as friends and neighbors.  One way we can strive to live the 2nd Great Commandment is by inviting others to join us.  Many of our neighbors (members or not) who do not read this Ward Newsletter may be unaware of these opportunities to come and get to know their neighbors better.  They may only be missing a simple invitation that will come from you.

May we look for ways to make meaningful connections with our family, friends, and neighbors with a focus on moving towards the Savior.

This week's message provided by: Brother Jeff Smith

August 18, 2024
Be the nice Kid!

​It doesn’t seem possible that summer is almost over and school is starting this week, but that’s reality! I want to share a positive message written by Bryan Skavnak that I believe doesn’t just apply to kids, but to all of us:













As I’ve been watching the Summer Olympics, I’ve noticed athletes being happy for their competitors and cheering on their teammates…being the NICE KID!
President Nelson has invited us to extend a gift of love for his 100th birthday (which is September 9, 2024). Our prophet said: "One spiritual offering that would brighten my life is for each of us to reach out to ’the one’ in our lives who may be feeling lost or alone. I invite you to consider prayerfully: who do you know who may be discouraged? Who might you need to reconcile with or ask for forgiveness? Has one name been on your mind lately, though you haven’t quite known why? As you bring these questions to the Lord, He will inspire you to know how you can reach out and lift one who needs help.” In the parable of the lost sheep (Matthew 18 and Luke 15), Jesus teaches that we should reach out to others in need the way a caring shepherd would do for his sheep-even for just one lost from a flock of 100. We have a few weeks to work on this gift for our beloved prophet…who’s in? Who wants to be “the nice kid”?

This week's message provided by: Sister Linda Muir​

August 11, 2024
“whosever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.” Alma 36:3 

I was recently touched by an experience in the temple while doing baptisms with my girls.  We were in the St. George temple, and the font there is above the ground.  You have to walk up fairly steep steps to get into the font.  While we were waiting for our turn, our attention was drawn to a brother who came into the room in a wheelchair.  We were told that he had names of near relatives and that he would be doing the baptizing for them.  We watched as he struggled with help from a temple worker to make his way up the stairs into the font using his arms to compensate for his unworking legs.  Another brother supported him while he performed the baptismal ordinances for his family exclaiming at times his relationship with the person being baptized.  One person he baptized a sister for was his sister-in-law. 
I was impressed by the dedication and perseverance of that brother as well as by the kindness and service of those assisting him.  Also moving to me was the realization that there were others in the room with difficulties and maladies that are not visible to the eye but which are just as difficult to serve in the temple with, if not more, than those of this physically handicapped brother. For example, I am certain that on that day individuals with difficult and even debilitating mental and emotional illnesses and challenges were also engaged in the labor of faith and love that took place in that and other temples. I am certain that the Lord is pleased with individuals who serve Him in His House through unseen but very real challenges just as he must be with those who battle physical ailments to serve.  I also believe the Lord’s promise stated by Alma that “whosever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.” Alma 36:3        

This week's message provided by: Brother Jeremy Adamson

August 4, 2024
Establish a House of Learning

School will begin soon for our most wonderful youth who are curious and ever ready to learn (mostly), and that school will be at Valley View, MPJH, BHS or private schools. As always, the start of school is both dreaded and exciting, as that first dramatic day should be (who wants a boring school day?)!

Another school for the olders of us (18 years to 102 years)(wait! Baptism for the dead starts at 11!) is at our most beautiful and serene temple which is our spiritual school. Like our children's opportunity to learn resolution of school conflicts, we learn how to handle the drama in our lives (ever have a dramatic prayer or listen to a dramatic testimony?) which can be exciting, peaceful and fulfilling learning experiences all at the same time.

President Hinckley said the temple "becomes a school of instruction in the sweet and sacred things of God. Here we have outlined the plan of a loving Father . . . . Here we have sketched before us the odyssey of man's eternal journey from premortal existence through this life to the life beyond. Great fundamental and basic truths are taught with clarity and simplicity . . . ."

Baptisms for the dead are sweet; initiatories are healing; endowments are instructive and sealings send us into flights of joy when we ponder the blessings and possibilities.

Please, treat yourself and family to the wonderful earthly and heavenly blessings of the temple where you will find joy and immense satisfaction.

This week's message provided by: Brother Dean Becker

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