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Mueller Park 7th Ward

Jean Harris

I am Jean Harris and was born in Canada on July 7, 1931 into a family of 12 children.  I lived most of my life in Alberta, Canada.  I met my husband, Richard, in Edmonton, Canada.  He worked for the IBM company for 30 years, and we lived in many areas of Canada and the United States.  We also lived in Belgium for four years in connection with Richard’s work.  Our family traveled a lot with IBM.  There were many moves connected with his work.  


We joined the LDS Church very early in our married life and raised our six children to live the Gospel in whatever condition or location we lived.  We are proud of them all as they wanted to go forward and have a good education.  They love the church and raise their families to be loyal and active in their church responsibilities wherever they are located.   They all went to BYU Idaho for at least part of their education.  



My work and education has been that of a busy housewife and mother.  Moving with my husband and children becomes a business of its own.  Those days were not idle days but involved a lot of attention to what I could do to make our moves as smooth as possible and less stressful to my husband and children.  Getting acquainted with, and being active in the Church wherever we went was a great help to feel at home in our moves.


We finally settled here in this ward in Bountiful as our family grew and were able to finish school and college.  I have had a very busy life with all the moves we experienced with the IBM company.  Supporting my husband in his occupation and business was my calling.  Raising our six children, with all the moves and adjustments, has been a fulltime work all by itself.


My husband, Richard passed away six years ago while living here in Bountiful.  It has been a comfort to have our granddaughter, Gina and her husband and three children living in the lower level of the house.  Our son Doug and his wife Beverley live with me and give me devoted care.  This way, I can stay in my own house for as long as my health permits.  I consider this to be a blessing. 


Our children, Karen Doug, Brad, Rich, Steve, and Barbara are all active workers in the Church.  This is such a wonderful blessing to cherish as a mother! 

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