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Bishopric Message


In my last Ward Conference talk, I closed with a promise from the Lord given through the Prophet Joseph Smith in the 59th section of the Doctrine and covenants: “But learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come” (D&C 59:23).  

From the beginning of the world, God has promised us peace if we turn to Him. Peace “not as the world giveth,” but a peace that comes from perfect love and that “casteth out all fear.” (See 1 John 4:18 and Moroni 8:16.) 


Brothers and Sisters, not all the sneaker waves that knock us down in life are avoidable. Some come because of poor choices, and some come just because this is mortality.  


In moments of hopelessness and discouragement, please know there is hope found in the transformative power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in the Savior’s redemptive power. “I am come,” Jesus declared, “that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (JOHN 10:10) 


We achieve that abundant life not by focusing on our own needs or on our own achievements but by becoming true disciples of Jesus Christ—by following in His ways and engaging in His work. 

Relief Society

Relief Society

“We must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another and gain instruction that we may all sit down in heaven together.” —Lucy Mack Smith



Follow us on Instagram to keep up to date on what is going on in Relief Society!

Elders Quorum

Elders Quorum

Thank you for your help to keep our meetinghouse clean. If you cannot fill this assignment, we invite you to find someone that is willing to switch assignments. Please let your team lead know who will be there. Cleaning assignment begins at 8:00 a.m. on Saturdays unless other arrangements are made.


* "Team Lead" and is responsible for the building key and reminding team members of the assignment one week prior.

Sunday School

Come Follow Me

Family History

Temple and Family History Ward Goals:
  1. Temple Attendance and Scheduling--Every member set a personal goal regarding temple attendance. Ensure everyone knows how to schedule appointments online.

  2. Ward Temple Night/Week—Details to come for Adults and Youth to participate.

  3. Recording Personal History—Monthly prompts will be provided for you to write about.

  4. Digitize family videos, photos, letters, and other documents.

  5. If you need specific help on a topic above please contact Steve Hewlett, Kari and Marcus Anjewierden, Keith and Michaelyn Erickson or Ranell Johnson.

If you want info about family history (classes, new info etc.) subscribe to the MP Relief Society facebook page or the MP Community Family History page for the men or for those in our community who are not members of the church. Sharon  posts most of the same information on each page. For classes and other info check out the following websites


If you do not know how to make a temple appointment on this site  Bountiful Utah Temple ask your ministers or contact Hewletts, Anjewierdens or Ericksons. 


If you need specific help on a topic please contact Steve or Sharon Hewlett, Kari and Marcus Anjewierden, Keith and Michaelyn Erickson or Ranell Johnson. Also watch the Relief Society Facebook page, Facebook Groups or a General MP 2 Community FH Facebook page for men and women Facebook Groups.

Family History
Young Women

Young Women


Activities will now be on Thursday for the rest of the year!


2023 Youth Theme: 

Young Men

Young Men



Parents, please mark your calendars: The Primary Program will be on Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 10:30am 


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